Investors, financial intermediaries, operators of trading venues and persons professionally arranging and executing transactions in commodity derivatives (together, "market participants"). (Αrticle 7(5) of Regulation (EU) No 596/2014)
Persons wishing to report cases of actual or potential infringement of Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 on market abuse– Whistle-blowers
To CSE Members regarding order input with wrong OASIS code
To Journalists regarding Market Abuse Directive
To Cypriot Investment Firms and Issuers which have discretionary accounts
To Investment Firms and Issuers regarding the due deligence
Regarding adoption of CESR’s recommendations for the consistent implementation of the European Commission’s Regulation on Prospectuses (in Greek)
Regarding Alternative Investment Fund Management
Regarding Alternative Investment Fund Management (continuity from Circular Γ2012-01)
Regarding the Continuous Professional Training of the persons registered in the public register
Regarding registration of AIFMs which do not exceed the thresholds of section 4(2) of the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Law of 2013 [L. 56(I)/2013]”
Seminars organized by the CySEC regarding the Continuous Professional Development (CPD) of the persons registered in the public register
Regarding the organization of CPD seminars by CySEC
Development of a Risk Based Supervision Framework and request of data from CIFs
Regarding registration of AIFMs which do not exceed the thresholds of section 4(2) of the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Law of 2013 [L.56(I)/2013] – REMINDER