Easternmed Asset Management Services Ltd
Licence Number: MC UCITS 03/78/2012
Licence Date: 21/01/2016 |
Company Registration Number: 342398 (Registration Date: ) |
Telephone: +357 22274400, Fax: +357 22274409
Country: Cyprus |
E-Mail: info@eastmedfin.com |
Scope Of Authorization: UCITS Management Company whose authorisation under section 111 of the UCI Law of 2012 covers the Investment management Functions of section 109(3) and the services of sections 109(4)(a) and 109(4)(b)(і).
GMM Global Money Managers Ltd
Licence Number: MC UCITS 2/13
Licence Date: 29/05/2013 |
Company Registration Number: 318920 (Registration Date: ) |
Telephone: +357 22205858, Fax: +357 22378194
Country: Cyprus |
E-Mail: info@global-mm.com |
Scope Of Authorization: UCITS Management Company whose authorisation under section 111 of the UCI Law of 2012 covers the Investment management Functions of section 109(3) and the additional management of other collective investment undertakings of section 109(2).
Oasis Wealth Management Limited
Licence Number: ΕΔ ΟΣΕΚΑ 7/78/2012
Licence Date: 29/03/2021 |
Company Registration Number: 416655 (Registration Date: ) |
Telephone: +357 22 010 533, Fax: +357 22 010 534
E-Mail: info@oasiswealth.eu |
Scope Of Authorization: Εταιρεία Διαχείρισης ΟΣΕΚΑ της οποίας η άδεια δυνάμει του άρθρου 111 του περί ΟΣΕ Νόμου του 2012 καλύπτει τα καθήκοντα διαχείρισης επενδύσεων του άρθρου109(3) και τις υπηρεσίες των άρθρων109(4)(α) και 109(4)(β)(і).