Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission | ITS Interactive Trust Services Cyprus Ltd (ex Lewben Cyprus Limited)
ITS Interactive Trust Services Cyprus Ltd (ex Lewben Cyprus Limited)

ITS Interactive Trust Services Cyprus Ltd (ex Lewben Cyprus Limited)

Address: ATHIENITIS CENTENNIAL BUILDING Themistokli Dervi 48, 8th Floor, Flat/Office 803, 1066, Nicosia, Cyprus
Licence Number: 94/196
Licence Date: 20/10/2014
Company Registration Number: 326003 (Registration Date: )
Telephone: 22374232
Fax: 22376056

Administrative Services

The management or directing of trusts [section 4(1)(a) of the Law] The undertaking or provision of the service of managing companies [section 4(1)(b)(i)-(b)(vii) of the Law]

Compliance Officers

Katerina Charalambous (

100% Subsidiaries

  1. Ackaro Ltd
  2. ITS Interactive Management Ltd
  3. ITS Perspective Management Limited
  4. LWCS Management Ltd
  5. Massimo Management Limited
  6. Sogeram Ltd
  7. Vendetti Management Limited

Employees offering admin. services