Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission | The Memoranda of Understanding and Cooperation
The Memoranda of Understanding and Cooperation

The Memoranda of Understanding and Cooperation

The Memoranda of Understanding and Cooperation signed between the Cyprus Securities and Exhange Commission (CySEC) and the Supervisory Authorities or other agencies of other jurisdictions create a framework and procedures for close cooperation to facilitate the exchange of information between the parties for the better monitoring of transactions and activities in the field of securities markets. At the same time, a framework is created to promote the exchange of experiences, expertise and good practices which will contribute positively to the expansion and strengthening of supervisory practices and procedures. Moreover, these memoranda underline the spirit of mutual cooperation between the Supervisory Authorities and other organizations abroad as well as the openness of our economies, helping to increase fruitful business relations between Cyprus and other countries, to the benefit of national financial markets.
The CySEC may establish such protocols for the cooperation with supervisory authorities or other organisations abroad in the form of Memoranda of Understanding and Cooperation in accordance with paragraph 29 of the Cyprus Securities and Exhange Commission Laws of 2009 to 2013[1]. These Memoranda provide for the exchange of information, cross-border inspections and the collection of information by one Authority on behalf of another in view of ongoing investigations, and generally to provide mutual assistance in order to ensure compliance with the relevant laws governing securities markets.
In accordance with paragraph 17(5) of Directive DI144-2007-01 of 2012 for the Authorisation and Operating Conditions of the Cyprus Investment Firms (CIFs)[2], the CySEC must publish a list of the competent Supervisory Authorities of third countries with which it has established cooperation agreements pursuant to the purpose of subparagraph 17(1)(b) of the same Directive.

  • Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation Arrangements and Exchange of Information with the Regulatory Authorities of the Member-States of the European Union under the umbrella of the European Securities and Markets Authority - ESMA
The full text of the Memorandum is available here.
  • Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding Concerning Consultation and Cooperation and the Exchange of Information of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO)
The full text of the Memorandum is available here.
You can find the list of all the current signatories and members here.
  • No-deal Brexit Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding between each of the EEA competent authorities and the UK Financial Conduct Authority
  • Multilateral Agreement between the European Central Bank and the competent supervisory Authorities for the purposes of  the exchange of information in relation to the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing issues

Pursuant to paragraph (2)(a) of section 44 of the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Law, transposing the European Directive on Alternative Investment Fund Managers (AIFMD) into national law, to allow fund managers based outside the EU to access EU markets or perform fund management through delegation from managers of the EU, the CySEC has to conclude cooperation agreements providing for the exchange of information with the Supervisory Authorities or other Authorities or bodies of third countries.
The CySEC has already signed Memoranda of Understanding and Cooperation for the enhanced supervision of Alternative Investment Fund Managers with the following Supervisory Authorities that are not part of the EU:
  1. Financial Services Authority – Abu Dhabi
  2. Financial Supervisory Authority of Albania – Albania
  3. Australian Securities and Investments Commission – Australia
  4. Securities Commision - Bahamas
  5. Central Bank of Bahrain – Bahrain
  6. Bermuda Monetary Authority – Bermuda
  7. Comissão de Valores Mobiliários do Brasil – Brasil
  8. British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission - British Virgin Islands
  9. Alberta Securities Commission – Canada
  10. Autorité des Marchés Financiers du Quebec – Canada
  11. British Columbia Securities Commission – Canada
  12. Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions – Canada
  13. Ontario Securities Commission – Canada
  14. Cayman Islands Monetary Authority – Cayman Islands 
  15. Dubai Financial Services Authority – Dubai
  16. Egyptian Financial Supervisory Authority – Egypt
  17. Securities and Exchange Commission of the Republic of North Macedonia – North Macedonia
  18. Guernsey Financial Services Commission – Guernsey
  19. Hong Kong Monetary Authority – Hong Kong
  20. Securities and Futures Commission – Hong Kong
  21. Securities and Exchange Board - India
  22. Financial Supervision Commission of the Isle of Man – Isle of Man
  23. Israel Securities Authority – Israel
  24. Financial Services Agency of – Japan
  25. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan – Japan
  26. Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan – Japan
  27. Jersey Financial Services Commission – Jersey
  28. Financial Services Commission/Financial Supervisory Service - Korea
  29. Labuan Financial Services Authority – Labuan
  30. Securities Commission – Malaysia
  31. Capital Market Development Authority – Maldives
  32. Financial Services Commission of Mauritius – Mauritius
  33. National Banking and Securities Commission of the United Mexican States – Mexico
  34. Securities and Exchange Commission of Montenegro – Montenegro
  35. Conseil Déontologique des Valeurs Mobilières of Morocco – Morocco
  36. New Zealand Financial Markets Authority  –  New Zealand
  37. Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan – Pakistan
  38. Financial Centre Regulatory Authority – Qatar
  39. Monetary Authority of Singapore – Singapore
  40. Republic of Srpska Securities Commission – Srpska
  41. Financial Services Board of South Africa – South Africa
  42. Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) – Switzerland
  43. Capital Markets and Securities Authority of Tanzania – Tanzania
  44. Securities and Exchange Commission Thailand – Thailand
  45. Emirates Securities and Commodities Authority – UAE
  46. Commodity Futures Trading Commission – USA
  47. Federal Reserve Board – USA
  48. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency – USA
  49. Securities and Exchange Commission – USA
  50. State Securities Commission - Vietnam
  51. Astana Financial Services Authority – Kazakhstan