Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission | International Organization of Securities Commissions – IOSCO
International Organization of Securities Commissions – IOSCO

International Organization of Securities Commissions – IOSCO

  • IOSCO is the leading international policy forum for securities regulators and is recognized as the global standard setter for securities regulation. The organization's membership regulates more than 95% of the world's securities markets in more than 115 jurisdictions and it continues to expand.
  • IOSCO’s main objective is to establish international standards that enhance the efficiency and transparency of securities markets, protect investors, and facilitate cooperation among regulators in the fight against financial crime, exchange of best practices and analysis and development of common principles that define the international legal framework in securities markets and investor protection.
  • IOSCO aims through its permanent structures:
    • to cooperate in developing, implementing and promoting adherence to internationally recognized and consistent standards of regulation, oversight and enforcement in order to protect investors, maintain fair, efficient and transparent markets, and seek to address systemic risks;
    • to enhance investor protection and promote investor confidence in the integrity of securities markets, through strengthened information exchange and cooperation in enforcement against misconduct and in supervision of markets and market intermediaries; and
    • to exchange information at both global and regional levels on their respective experiences in order to assist the development of markets, strengthen market infrastructure and implement appropriate regulation.
  • The IOSCO members meet each year during the Annual Conference to discuss critical issues on the global securities and derivatives markets.
  • The CySEC signed the Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding concerning Consultation and Cooperation and the Exchange of Information of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) on 22 October 2009. The full text of the Memorandum is available here.

For more information, please kindly refer to IOSCO’s website.