European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) is an independent EU Authority that was established on 1 January 2011 and works closely with the other two European Supervisory Authorities, one responsible for banking (EBA), and the other for insurance and occupational pensions (EIOPA).
ESMA’s mission is to enhance the protection of investors and promote stable and well-functioning financial markets in the European Union (EU). As an independent institution, ESMA achieves this aim by building a single rule book for EU financial markets and promoting its consistent application across the EU. ESMA contributes to the regulation of financial services firms with a pan-European reach, either through direct supervision or through the active co-ordination of national supervisory activity.
Participation in committees and groups of the European Securities and Markets Authority
Board of Supervisors and Management Board
Review Panel
Investors Protection and Intermediaries Standing Committee
Secondary Markets Standing Committee
Market Integrity Standing Committee
Post-Trading Standing Committee
Corporate Reporting Standing Committee
Corporate Finance Standing Committee
European Enforcers Coordination Committee
CRA Technical Committee
Financial Innovation Standing Committee
Investment Management Standing Committee
IT Governance Standing Committee
Joint Committee AML
Commodities Derivatives Task force
Communications Network
International Relations Network
Human Resources Network
Take-over Bids