Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission | I.H. Hephaestus Investment AIFLNP Ltd (convertion to AIF at 22/05/2020)
I.H. Hephaestus Investment AIFLNP Ltd (convertion to AIF at 22/05/2020)

I.H. Hephaestus Investment AIFLNP Ltd (convertion to AIF at 22/05/2020)

Address: 12 Demosthenis Severis Avenue, 1080 Nicosia, Cyprus
Licence Number: LPAIF103/2014
Licence Date: 27/11/2017
Company Registration Number: 377630 (Registration Date: )
Manager: Emergo Wealth Ltd
Telephone: +357 22 449122
Fax: +357 22 780589
Other Information:
Convertion to AIF at 22/05/2020 with the name  I.H. Hephaestus Investment AIF V.C.I.C. Plc