Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission | NVI ASIAN BRIDGE INTERNATIONAL INVESTORS AIF V.C.I.C. PLC (dissolution and Liquidation 16/12/2024)
NVI ASIAN BRIDGE INTERNATIONAL INVESTORS AIF V.C.I.C. PLC (dissolution and Liquidation 16/12/2024)

NVI ASIAN BRIDGE INTERNATIONAL INVESTORS AIF V.C.I.C. PLC (dissolution and Liquidation 16/12/2024)

Address: 43 Agion Omologiton Aven.,1080 Nicosia, Cyprus
Licence Number: AIF88/2018
Registration Date : 18/07/2022
Company Registration Number: 415931 (Registration Date: )
Manager: GMM Global Money Managers AIFM Ltd
Telephone: +357 22 777337
Fax: +357 22 777338
Other Information:
 AIF88_1 International Private Equity (18/07/2022)   (dissolution and Liquidation 16/12/2024)