Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission | LifeGoals Common Fund AIF (ex Luctor Mutual Fund AIF)
LifeGoals Common Fund AIF (ex Luctor Mutual Fund AIF)

LifeGoals Common Fund AIF (ex Luctor Mutual Fund AIF)

Address: 12 Demosthenis Severis Avenue, 5th Floor, 1080, Nicosia
Licence Number: AIF04/2014
Licence Date: 05/10/2015
Manager: LifeGoals Financial Services Ltd
Telephone: +357 22449122
Fax: +357 22780589
Country: Cyprus
Other Information:
AIF4_1  LifeGoals - Bank Savings (‘LGS’) [ex LifeGoals - Savings (‘LGS’)]  (05/10/2015)
AIF4_2  LifeGoals - Fixed Income Savings (‘LGIS’) [ex 
LifeGoals - International Savings (‘LGIS’)]  (05/10/2015)
AIF4_3  LifeGoals - Growth (‘LGG’) [ex Luctor Investment Fund – Growth (LIFG)] (05/10/2015)
AIF4_4  LifeGoals - Balanced (‘LGB’) [ex Luctor Investment Fund – Balanced (“LIFB”)]  (07/04/2016)
AIF4_5  LifeGoals - Conservative (‘LGC’) [ex Luctor Investment Fund – Conservative (“LIFC”)]  (07/04/2016)
AIF4_6  LifeGoals - Dynamic (‘LGD’) [ex Luctor Investment Fund – Dynamic (“LIFD”)]  (07/04/2016)
AIF4_7  Luctor Investment Fund – Curis investments I (LIF Curis I)]  (15/01/2018) [(Revoke 13/01/2020)]
AIF4_8  LifeGoals - Fixed Income (‘LGF’) (13/01/2020) [(dissolution and liquidation 23/02/2022)]